Have you ever notice how much more effective salespeople are when their sales funnel is full and they have more than they can handle? Granted, this is a fairly obvious statement. However, it’s important to note that some salespeople are more effective at creating that sense of urgency with customers than others are. It’s this sense of urgency that is so conducive to closing orders. It’s this sense of urgency that often forces customers to act. The intention isn’t to strong arm the customer into making a decision they normally wouldn’t. No, in this case, it’s to use the salesperson’s natural abilities to identify and close on more opportunities by keeping their sales funnels full.
The Value of a Full Sales Funnel
Why is having a full sales funnel so important? In order to answer this question, think about the types of salespeople who constantly have opportunities to pursue. These are the salespeople who always seem to have a backup plan, the ones who always seem to be one-step ahead of their competition and who just seem to have a solid hold on their territory. They never get overly exited when business is won, or too downtrodden when business is lost. In fact, they just seem to have a long-term focus to their approaches. They understand that success depends upon keeping opportunities in their pipeline.
These are the sales professionals who keep their opportunities coming. However, they can only do this when their sales funnel is full. So,why is keeping the sales funnel full such an important part of sales success? More importantly, how does it help to create that sense of urgency amongst customers?
Keep your sales funnel simple and straightforward. Don't over-complicate things with multiple steps. Instead, keep it easily manageable and easily navigable. To read about the sales funnels, please read:Business Sales Management: Do Sales Funnels Really Work?
In order to answer these two aforementioned questions, it’s important to understand how salespeople respond to limited opportunities. When a salesperson fears that they’ll be unable to close an order, it’s inevitable that they’ll start to “push” for the customer to make a decision long before they may be ready to. However, when the sales funnel is full, the salesperson takes a more laid-back approach to sales. They are still proactive and responsive to the customer’s needs, but they also understand that there are other customers waiting to place orders. In essence, if this customer doesn’t take advantage of the deal in front of them, another will.
It’s this confidence that allows the salesperson to take advantage of the opportunities when they present themselves. They aren’t invested too much in the outcome of any one sale. Instead, they take a long-term approach to managing the customer’s needs. This empowers the salesperson to focus solely on explaining their product’s cost-per-use or longevity benefits, rather than merely selling on price.
Salespeople that keep their sales funnels full are able ride the ups and downs of their territory’s business cycles. By keeping opportunities plentiful, the salesperson can have the confidence to stick to their product’s selling points, and not merely rely upon dropping pricing to secure the sale. In this case, it's about making sure that the salesperson is never too focused on one sale, but is instead exited by the prospect of multiple sales.