I thought I would come up with a simple video explaining
the relationship between sales and marketing. I did the video because
I was constantly coming across this mindset that marketing is separate from
sales. Companies kept telling me they needed to focus on sales now - and look at
marketing later. This video explains why no company can have sales without a solid marketing strategy.
This confusion is often due to the fact that companies don’t completely understand what marketing does or how it does it. Simply put, marketing needs to generate leads. The more leads you generate, the more opportunities there are for sales. The more your opportunities for sales, the more orders you’ll close. The more orders you close, the more you can spend on marketing. It's a simple process, but for some unknown reason, a number of companies can't see the relationship.
Far too many of my customers rely solely on cold-calling as a means of generating leads. Let me make this perfectly clear: In today’s economy, if your company’s only means of generating a lead is from a cold-call, then you’re missing out on hundreds, if not thousands of opportunities. Cold calling is but one of a dozen ways you need to generate leads for sales. The rest come from your marketing initiatives.
If you want to generate more sales, then increasing the number of leads is the way to make that happen. This video explains this in detail.
It's not a question of if you're marketing your company. Instead, it's a question of how you're marketing your company. Marketing is nothing more than delivering a message about your company, your product offering and your competencies. It's everything your customers should know about your company delivered in one clear message.
Don't put off working on your marketing strategy. Set aside the time to put your marketing budget together. Next, understand the relationship between lead generation and your marketing initiatives. In the end, it's all about increasing sales by increasing the opportunities to make sales.